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Iquitos is also known as "the Pearl of the Amazon". It is located on the left side of the Amazon river. Iquitos is one of the entrances to the Amazon rainforest. The tropical area that surrounds Iquitos is inhabited by civilized native communities. It has a tropical climate, so it is very hot and humid. Its main attractions are its flora and fauna, as well as the Amazon river. The visitor can find a world full of surprised and adventures. You will have the opportunity to fish, sail through the rainforest, visit the local tribes and be part of exciting hikes and nocturnal visits. From Iquitos, you can also visit the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, which houses a wide range of birds and mammals (such as the pink dolphin), as well as reptiles, amphibians, fish and more than 1'000 cultivated wild plants. You can also observe some endangered species.